Monday 4 June 2012

Leduc After-Hours Clinic

We are happy to announce the Leduc After-Hours Clinic has new, extended hours.
Clinic hours are:

Monday - Thursday
6:00 pm  - 9:30 pm

The Leduc After-Hours Clinic is a walk-in clinics for basic medical services only. 

We are unable to perform the following:
Suturing, Wart removal/treatments, Physicals, Driver's Medicals, Pre-op Medicals.

Please note that there is a $10 charge for sick notes signed by the AHC physician.

We do not prescribe narcotics or triplicate medications. 

The Leduc After-Hours Clinic is staffed by family physicians from the Leduc Beaumont Devon Primary Care Network.

Leduc After-Hours Clinic:
4710 – 50th Street
3rd Floor
JHF Professional Centre
Located north of Leduc Cinema, entrance on the north side of the building.

For more information about the Leduc After-Hours Clinic, please call the PCN at 780-986-6624.