CTV Canada AM hosted the Be A Donor special this morning, featuring Helene Campbell, a 21 year old Canadian who underwent a double lung transplant last month.
Be A Donor Live Chat
CTV Canada AM provided some interesting statistics on Twitter about organ donation:
- For every 10 people who need a heart transplant in Canada, only two will receive the organ they need
- Only 13 out of every 1,000,000 Canadians are organ donors
- Canada has one of the lowest donation rates in the developed world
- The oldest organ donor in Canada was 90 years old. Age is not a barrier
- Right now, more than 4500 Canadians are waiting for an organ transplant
- Of those, 75% need a kidney
- Those numbers have doubled since 1991, due to rising rates of diabetes
You can followt the discussion on Twitter by using the following hashtag: #beadonor or by following @CTVCanadaAM
For more information on organ donation statistics, please visit the Canadian Institute of Health Information website.
Alberta, Nunavut and Northwest Territories do not have online registeries at this time. To find out how to become an organ donor in Alberta, sign the back of your health card.
For all other provinces, please seach online for your province's online registry.