Knowing the truth about these myths can help you take steps towards a healthier you.
Myth #1: Avoid carbs if you want to lose weight.
The Truth: Want to lose weight? There's no need to take carbohydrates off the menu.
It's true that cutting carbs can help you lose weight in the short-term, but it's often because you then eat more fat and protein. Both of these nutrients can make you feel fuller. This leads you to eat less than you normally would. The problem with cutting carbs is that you could miss out on nutrients. These nutrients are found in healthy choices from all four food groups in Canada's Food Guide.
Carbs are found in many vegetables and fruit like pears, carrots and squash. These foods are rich in vitamins and minerals. Carbs are also found in grain products such as whole grain breads and pastas. These foods have B vitamins, iron, Zinc and fibre. Calcium and vitamin D rich milk and yogurt also contain carbs. Legumes, beans and lentils also contain carbs, fibre, protein and iron.
Diets that limit carbs can be hard to stick to for very long because so many foods are off limits. To help lose weight and keep it off, have an eating plan that is realistic for you to follow that also includes healthy foods. This will include foods that contain carbohydrates. Limit sugary foods like candy, cookies and pop. These foods provide a lot of sugar and contain little to no nutrients that support your best health.
Weight loss plans help only when you stay on the plan. If you make a plan, ask yourself if it will be easy to fit into your life. Try to make small changes first. Look to Canada's Food Guide to help plan a healthy diet. Include a variety of foods from each of the four food groups, in the amount of food that is right for you.
For more information, please visit the Dietitians of Canada website.