Monday, 21 January 2013
LBD PCN FREE Smoking Cessation Program
It’s time to quit!
The S.M.I.L.E. pharmacist is offering FREE Smoking Cessation assistance.
The program is a comprehensive, individualized one-on-one session(s) with the pharmacist at our PCN office.
The session will address:
why quitting is hard
pros and cons of smoking
medication options
how to identify triggers
how to handle stress
how to prevent weight gain
The session will also:
help you develop a Quit Plan to enhance success
give you ongoing support as needed, so you stay quit.
“Quitting smoking is easy, I’ve done it hundreds of times.”
- Mark Twain
For more information and to receive your FREE Quit Kit, contact Nandini Desai at 780-986-6624