Monday 1 June 2015

New exercise session opens in Leduc

Exercise Session for the the Leduc Obesity Clinic

This 8-week program is offered to those patients that are referred by Dr. Siva from her obesity clinic. The program is once per week on Tuesday afternoon for a session consisting of mat work, dumbbell exercises, foam roller work, stability ball exercises and strength exercises with resistance bands.  

The class is designed to offer exercising in a group setting starting at a beginner level, using small equipment. 

The program is progressive in nature and can be a good basis for people to transition to a home program as the small equipment is easy to store at home and not so taxing on the wallet to purchase. 

It is led by the Leduc Beaumont Devon Primary Care Network Exercise Specialist and offered as a way for people to get comfortable with exercising at a gradual pace. 

Corinne Cutler, Exercise Specialist
Leduc Beaumont Devon Primary Care Network

To inquire about this program, please call our office at 780-986-6624 and ask for Corinne.